Pia Sundgren
Andrea Rossi
Meike Vernooi
Tarek Yousry
United Kingdom
Cem Calli
Case-based workshops on 30 and 31 August 2024
Quiz cases
Stroke cases on monitors (small groups)
Poster presentations (competition)
Wide range of topics including: anatomy, multiple sclerosis and related, dementia, glioma imaging, infection, paediatric neuro, stroke imaging and management and many more.
CPD ACCREDITATION: CPD points will be applied for by Stellenbosch University. The CPD scanning and monitoring process is being managed by ConsultUS (Pty) Ltd. CPD points will be submitted to the HPCSA within 60 days after the conference.
Please confirm at the ConsultUS CPD desk that HPCSA number supplied is correct. Delegates will be issued with a bar coded tag which should be scanned once in the morning and once in the afternoon to record attendance.