ABSTRACT submission & review

Click here to create an account for abstract submission and follow instructions:  Abstract submission


Participants are invited to submit original abstracts for poster presentation.

The deadline for abstract submission is 3 June 2023.

Guidelines for Abstract submission

Authors are requested to conform to the following guidelines for submission of abstracts:

  • Only abstracts submitted online will be considered for inclusion in the programme.
  • The abstract must be submitted in English.
  • The word limit for abstracts is 550 words.
  • The system allows you to edit and save your abstract but once the abstract has been submitted for review, editing will not be possible.
  • The criteria according to which all abstracts will be reviewed are provided as a way of guiding the development of your submission. These include:
CONTENT:Quality of content
Significance for theory and practice
Originality and level of innovativeness
Relevance to the conference themes
Clear goals, coherence and logical progression                                                         

  • All abstracts will be reviewed.
  • Please note that a limited number of poster presentations will be accepted.
  • Please note that selected poster presentations will be in the form of a mini (3 minute) presentation during dedicated poster sessions.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection by the Local Scientific Committee will be mailed to the presenting author from Wednesday 21 June 2023.
  • We strongly encourage submitting authors to register via the online registration system simultaneously with the abstract submission.
  • Failure by the presenting author to register by Friday 28 July 2023 will imply that the abstract will neither be included in the Final Program nor be printed in the abstract book.
  • The time allotted for each oral presentation will depend on the session to which the abstract is allocated.


Abstracts must be submitted electronically until the deadline 3 June 2023 via the conference website.

Only online abstract submissions will be considered. Abstracts sent by mail, direct e-mail, or fax cannot be accepted.