Dear attendee,
It is a great pleasure and privilege to announce the RSSA/Philips Musculoskeletal MSK Course, 30 September to 2 October 2022 at the Radisson Blu Granger Bay, Cape Town.
This hands-on, interactive teaching course is conducted by internationally renowned radiologists Eva Llopis (Valencia, Spain) and Hans Bloem (Leiden, Netherlands). Dr Eva Llopis is current President of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology.
A teaching course of this nature is of particular importance to South African radiologists. Musculoskeletal MRI imaging is a complicated and demanding sub-specialty and is constantly evolving. Having an approach to a joint and being able to differentiate pathology from variants is a skill that develops with discussion and apprenticeship.
The aim of this course is to teach an approach to MR imaging of the shoulder, ankle, hip, knee and wrist and discuss common pathologies and pitfalls. Didactic lectures will be followed by case review on individual computers followed by group discussion and shared learning.
The course will take place at the beautiful Radisson Blu Granger Bay, just next to the Waterfront in Cape Town. Due to technical limitations with infrastructure, enrollment is limited to 80 participants.
On behalf of the RSSA we welcome Dr Eva Llopis and Dr Hans Bloem to South Africa for this very exciting course.
Kind regards,
Dr Paul Rischbieter