Dear colleagues
The Division of Human Nutrition at Stellenbosch University will once again host its annual Continuing Nutrition Education (CNE) Programme for Dietitians and Nutritionists.
We have decided to relaunch the programme as an in-person event in 2025, hosted at our brand-new Biomedical Research Institute (BMRI) venue on 29 - 30 May 2025! This will allow us to engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions, reconnect, network, and enjoy each other's company, all while staying informed on the latest developments in the field of Nutrition, both globally and locally.
Different options will be on offer to suit various preferences and needs for obtaining your Continuing Education Units (CEU’s).
The residential / in-person event - Option A - will take place on 29 and 30 May 2025, where you can accrue 12 CEUs. In addition, to make the programme accessible to those not able to attend the two days in-person option, we will make recordings of the presentations available electronically, via Option B, also for 12 CEUs.
To earn the full number of CEUs for the recorded presentations, participants will be monitored via a reference number attached to “a log on / log off” system on the virtual platform before the points are awarded. Option C consists of 6 articles and Option D of 10 articles, that can be studied and questionnaires answered to obtain 18 and 30 points, respectively.
Dietitians and Nutritionists can register for Options A, B, C or D individually, or a combination of options (AC, AD, BC or BD) can be selected. Depending on the option/s selected, a total of up to 30 CEUs, including a minimum of 5 ethics points, can be earned.
CPD points earned will be submitted directly to the HPCSA as per the rules and regulations.
We look forward to welcoming you in person in 2025 and providing you with a high-quality, relevant CNE update experience.
My best wishes,
Prof Lisanne M du Plessis
CNE Chair 2025
CNE Committee Chairperson 2025